Top 10 Benefits of going Vegan
Going vegan is a big decision. It's a decision that requires a lot of research, soul-searching, and introspection. But it's also a decision that can change your life for the better in so many ways. Here are the top 10 benefits of veganism.
1. Helps the environment. Factory farming is one of the leading causes of climate change, water pollution, and deforestation. By choosing to go vegan, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and protect our planet.
2. Saves animals' lives. Every year, billions of animals are raised and killed for food. By going vegan, you can spare these animals from a lifetime of suffering, short life expectancy, and slaughter.
3. Improves your health. A plant-based diet has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, improve heart health, and reduce the risk of developing cancer and other chronic diseases.
4. Reduces poverty and starvation. While over 800 million people worldwide suffer from hunger, roughly 30% of the world's grain is fed to livestock. If we redirected this grain to human consumption, we could easily eradicate hunger worldwide.
5) Fights world hunger. In developed countries, we have an obsession with meat, dairy, and eggs. This means that valuable land and resources are being used to grow crops to feed animals, rather than people. With so many people going hungry, it doesn't make sense to use our resources in this way.
6) Promotes weight loss. A vegan diet is naturally lower in calories than a meat-based diet, making it easier to maintain or achieve a healthy weight.
7) Lowers your risk of developing cancer. Research has shown that vegans have a lower risk of developing various types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer.
8) Reduces your risk of developing heart disease. A plant-based diet can lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, both of which are major risk factors for heart disease.
9) Gives you more energy. When you switch to a vegan diet, you'll likely find that you have more energy than you did before. This is because plants are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost energy levels.
10) Makes you happier! One study found that vegans are less likely to experience depression than meat-eaters. Other research has shown that following a vegan diet can improve your mood and overall sense of well-being.
There are countless reasons to go vegan! If you're thinking about making the switch, we hope this list has inspired you to do so. Remember, every little bit counts—every animal spared, every acre of land protected, every drop of water saved—it all adds up! Thank you for considering veganism.